Thoughts on the Election

Author: Editorial Board | Category: Politics National | Date: 10-31-2020

---by The Editorial Board,of Enlight21

Currently, Trump’s 4 years in office has shown us what an American model of fascism is. It can be neatly summed up in one word--Republican. The political movement represented by current Republican politicians creates corporate cronies that “contribute” to the election of politicians dedicated to the idea of business interests as the only public good. The pandemic under fascism has also shown us that life-giving options like masks and PPE have become collateral damage of Republican crony capitalism. Fifty years ago Nixon expanded the notion of American republicanism to include dog whistles to the country’s wild west white supremacists, giving them ammunition to justify their  land theft and slavery—unfortunately, Trump has given new life to these dog whistles as they have become another hallmark of the fascism Trump has wrought.

Crony capitalism leads to wealth inequality.  The bottom half of U.S. households now control only 1.3% of the country's wealth, according to Federal Reserve data. The pandemic in turn has wrought havoc in poor unrepresented communities. 

Inequality has led to a general disenchantment with both parties, allowing a moral monster like Trump to arise with promises of returning to a mythic past. 

Today the whole world looks askance at us as Trump can still count on a solid 40%  of Americans to vote for him and the violence-based fascist state that he represents.

One primary goal of Trump’s presidency is to undo the black stain on white-America caused by the Obama presidency. Along with his Republican enablers, he started by undoing Obama’s environmental laws. But his holy grail remains the dismantling of Obama Care—he has shown amazing perseverance in his pursuit of this goal and has continued to push hard for the elimination of health care coverage for many Americans, even as the greatest pandemic of the past 100 years rages on and acute health care demands are at levels not seen since the 1918 pandemic 

Violence against peaceful protest is another hallmark of Trump’s fascist tactics—a tactic that was on full display in Washington D.C,’s Lafayette park  and in Portland when peaceful protesters were attacked by a group consisting of military police, Secret Service, and army troops acting under orders from Trump himself.

 When Amy Coney Barret was being confirmed she was asked what five freedoms were protected by the First Amendment. She tellingly flubbed the provision that guarantees the “right of the people to peaceably assemble.” Trump has packed the courts with unqualified and grossly partisan appointees who adhere to a vision of an imperial right-wing presidency that uses the federal judiciary to support extreme income inequality, corporate and white supremacy, environmental destruction, and the dismantling of social safety nets.

The electoral college remains the great racist and classist heritage of the American Constitution. It allows a loser of the popular vote to become president. It justifies minority rule, and provides an opening for wannabe dictators who did not win the popular vote to ascend to the presidency so that they can terrorize and intimidate allies and citizens, commit treason, and upend our democracy.  It is ironic that this electoral college structure set up by the “founding fathers” may result in the end of the American experiment in democracy.  

Most of all, the electoral college system currently threatens a Biden victory.  By giving citizens in states with small populations a much greater weight in selecting the American president than those in more populous states like California, the electoral college is a travesty and contravenes the most minimal requirement of democratic elections--the principle of one person, one vote. 

A Biden win will give us at least a fight chance to begin righting the many wrongs that currently plague America.



Ryan Yang November 9, 2020 5:33 am
Over the last few months, the Supreme Court has gained much attention, with Amy Coney Barret recently having been appointed the Supreme Court justice to replace the late justice, Ruth Bader Ginsberg. With that being said, what is the role of the Supreme Court when it comes to judiciary policies?
Audrey Kong November 9, 2020 5:06 am
The only benefit that we got out of Trump's term was our economy but even in that category, he is still considered selfish. In addition, there is nothing that he did that benefited America such as not promoting masks or doing anything about the pandemic. Like, if he is scared of getting the ... Read more
Ariel L November 9, 2020 3:53 am
I thought this article was very informative and interesting. I found it really surprising that 40% of Americans voted for Trump and I am curious as to why, and what their arguments are, so that I can understand their viewpoints? I also found it important how this article illuminates how even ... Read more
Leo Lin November 9, 2020 1:07 am
I was also very surprised when Trump won the 2016 election. I was positive that Hillary Clinton had won because she won the popular vote. It strikes me as strange that the president is elected based on the electoral vote without having the popular vote influence the election result. I also agree ... Read more
Ben Seo November 8, 2020 7:37 am
Why can't the popular vote also count towards the election of the president? Couldn't there be a sort of checks and balances system for electing the president? Three total votes count towards the election of the president and that way it would help with the election being less skewed. One ... Read more
Belicia Tang November 8, 2020 7:48 am
The idea of the electoral college was framed in the Constitution. It was a way to give equal representation to all states, especially the small states. So when we are voting, we are in fact voting ... Read more
Jake Kim November 7, 2020 1:03 am
Also, this is the first election that I have genuinely taken interest in. Has politics always been this divided? And have the election results per swing state always been so close?
Belicia Tang November 8, 2020 4:27 am
Hi Jake, to answer your question: nope. This election is probably the most controversial / divided that the US has seen.. ever. Throughout his presidency, Trump has offended many people by his ... Read more
Belicia Tang November 8, 2020 4:29 am
In 2016, the election was very close in swing states as well. Even though Hillary beat Trump in the popular votes by about 3 million votes, she lost to him in the electoral college vote, because ... Read more
Jake Kim November 6, 2020 11:40 am
Wow. It's really surprising to learn that the bottom 50% of Americans only hold 1.3% of the nation's wealth. This really says a lot about Trump's true intentions as president because he claims to bring back jobs and contribute to the lower class, but is widening the wealth ... Read more