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Representation matters

Category: Business & Economy | Environment & Nature | Health & Medicine | Opinions & Editorials | Society & Lifestyles

When she ran for the district 2 seat in San Mateo County, Noelia Corzo said representation matters. She has delivered in spades. It's only April, but Noelia has defeated Ray Mueller three times. She supported the Nitrogen Oxide (NOx) rule before the Bay Area Air Quality Management District (B...

Nuclear, a solution to nothing!

Category: Business & Economy | Environment & Nature | Health & Medicine | Politics National | Politics International | Science & Technology

The Associated Press reports, “hunger stones” warning of drought-induced hardships have started surfacing in the Czech Republic. Meanwhile France has the Read More

Can We Get to 1.5 Degrees C of Warming with Electric Vehicles?

Category: Business & Economy | Education | Environment & Nature | Health & Medicine | Politics National | Politics International | Society & Lifestyles | Travel

  • The short answer is no. Why was President Biden fist bumping dictators in Brazil and Saudi Arabia, and looking to open Alaska for Conoco Phillips to d...

The Open Secret of the Dirty Economy

Category: Business & Economy | Environment & Nature

What is the opposite of the Green New Deal? The dirty polluting economy we take for granted-

It’s impossible to renounce the fossil fuel world. The road we travel on, the vegetables delivered on that road, the equipment used to farm the vegetables and transport the workers, the li...

Is the US. Headed for a Recession?

Category: Business & Economy

The short answer to whether we are headed for a recession is: No one knows, not even the so-called experts. But what is certain is that a recession is what the Trump administration most fears, because a healthy economy is widely seen as a big plus for Donald Trump’s reelection chances. And ...

Elizabeth Warren’s Plan to Break Up Big Tech

Category: Business & Economy | Politics National

Elizabeth Warren will break up big tech monopolies—Amazon, Google, and more—because the concentration of corporate power has led to the decline of middle class incomes and is at the root of America’s extreme income inequality. This will represent a significant reversal of the Am...

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Category: Education | Environment & Nature | Politics National | Society & Lifestyles


Representation matters

Category: Business & Economy | Environment & Nature | Health & Medicine | Opinions & Editorials | Society & Lifestyles


Can government be trusted to keep the public safe from infectious agents?

Category: Health & Medicine | Human Interest | Politics National | Science & Technology | Society & Lifestyles