
Author: Gladwyn d'Souza | Category: Education | Environment & Nature | Politics National | Society & Lifestyles | Date: 06-05-2023


Fosopaganda is fossil fuel propoganda. We live in a world soaked in fossil fuels. In a climate disaster waiting to happen fosopaganda is everywere. Our dominant media is the primary outlet. Because it’s owned by the class that got wealthy from fossil fuels. And were educated in the schools of fossil fuels like the Doerr School of Sustainability at Stanford or University of Chicago.

The most recent example of fosopaganda features the usual expert quotes that solar panels are an Ecodisaster Waiting To Happen. A better title may have been “Infrastructure to scrap and recycle solar panels is lacking”. The scary title is meant to embolden denialists as Michael Mann described in the delightful The New Climate War. The goal is delayed action on climate change. Plus the implication that any response is inadequate or problematic. Unforeseen impacts are writing tropes of the fosopagandists.

Instead of regurgitating their education reporters should learn to read the symptoms for causes. Recently I got 150 watt panels with shorted terminals, repaired them and plugged them in. They produce an average of 100 watts. If panels are being landfilled it means tipping fees at the landfill are so low they incentivize disposal. Of course if you increase tipping fees fosopagandists will write articles on illegal dumping. This symptom can be solved by plugging the region into the surveillance economy.

I also recently upgraded my roof area to 327 watt with integrated micro converter Sun Power panels. The orginal 150 watt BP panels were recalled because they were blowing up. The same roof area is now producing more than double what the original did with the settlement. Solar sites on upgrade will increase their output- forever. There is no additional demand on land. Unlike fossil fuel land sites which turn into liability free abandoned mines and wells impacting public health forever. And result in genocidal conflict as drillers and miners invade new land.

As the Keeling Curve shows the potential for disaster is accelerating because carbon sinks are declining. Fosopagandists have blinders on to ignore the solutions: Social housing based walkable cites designed as energy, waste, and water microgrids, that remove the major cost and pollution factors in peoples lives in housing, travel, utilities, food, and fibre. These are unglamorous solutions which enrich peoples lives- but prevent the growth of dangerous and unnecessary monopolies causing a loss of political will. Fosopogandists are everywhere, we need to see through their charade.



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