What is My Passion?

Author: Audrey Kong | Category: Career | Date: 03-05-2020

Throughout my life, I have never really been super passionate about anything. The only thing I am passionate about is K-pop, but I feel that becoming a K-pop start is not possible. Outside of that, one thing I am relatively passionate about is Legos, which could be in the catagory of architecture.

Throughout my childhood, I had never really touched a lego set because I mostly played with Barbies or Pollypockets, more of the assumed girly toys. Once I reached 7th grade, I got my first official lego set, a figurine of Robin from Batman. When I built it, I felt this joy come out of me. I mean, it is a toy and there are instructions on how to build it, but I still felt more excited than I have about any other thing. In addition, last summer, I got the Hogwarts set that was around 400 pieces. That night I got it, I had built the whole thing. I was so focused that I refused to do anything else. I thought that I could posssibly make a career out of this. 

Another aspect that made me set on doing something in architecture was drawing. As an aspiring artist, I would draw blueprints of either my house, my relatives' house, or my friends' house. At most times, I wouldn't realize what and why I am drawing this. It was like a natural habit for me. Even to this day, I still randomly draw blueprints of places.

As a current sophomore in high school, I'm starting to feel the pressure of deciding what I want to do in life. It could be computer science or engineering, math, or architecture. Realizing it now, all of these fit into one category, STEAM, or science, technology, engineering, art, and math. Based on my grades, I do find that I am a STEAM person rather than a humanities person. I enjoy math and find it easier than AP Euro or English. Next year, I plan on taking 3 heavily based math courses, Precalculus, AP Chemistry, and AP Computer Science. I intentionally chose these classes because I have a passion for STEAM. They are more challenging classes, so I hope that I am able to perservere through. I am always encouraging myself to keep going and to challenge myself.


About: Audrey Kong



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