Warren's Blue New Deal

Author: Sue C. | Category: Environment | Date: 12-12-2019


I just heard from a friend that Elizabeth Warren has unveiled a Blue New Deal.  Good for her!

I am eager to learn more about it.  But just for starters, she promises to protect coastlines and waterways, protect ecosystems, stop overfishing, etc.  Some have criticized her for focusing just on the U.S. because climate change is a global issue.  

I think that's asking too much, at least for now.  I would prefer that she focus on having the U.S. play a leading role in international climate change policy-setting and on having us lead the way in curbing carbon emissions and other environmental protection activities.  There is so much that needs to be done here in the U.S..  She can't do everything everywhere!

By the way, the photo is by Sarah Brown over at the free photos site, www.unsplash.com  Check it out.


About: Sue C.

Hi All: Like most people in the Bay Area, I'm sheltering at home. I'm trying to use this opportunity to catch up on projects that are on my back burner and trying not to feel too anxious about the worst case scenarios that are circulating.



Sue C.
Galdwyn's comments are very germaine--protecting our oceans is very important and coastal policy should NOT be centralized!
Gladwyn d'Souza
Blue New Deal is essential to much of the world which both depends on the coastline for protein and is simultaneously in danger of being submerged by sea level rise. One of the problems that should be eliminated is how coastal policy is centralized in DC. The president can unilaterally decide to ...Read more drill in California waters and local jurisdictions like Pacifica have no say but need to kludge together policies such as not permitting pipelines across Pacifica to register effective opposition to central dictates. Local communities should be given control over restoring their coastline foodsheds via sustainable fisheries under the Public Trust Doctrine Less
Pen Bowers
This is really cool. We need to get Sylvia Earle involved. Can Enlight21 upload some of her videos first? After that, can we think about a video conference with her, if possible?

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