The Oscars

Author: Jake Kim | Category: Movies | Date: 02-18-2020

The Oscars is a world famous award given out to movies, directors, actors, and more for being the best at a certain aspect of a film. Personally, I've never had much of an iterest in award shows in general. However, the surprising success of the movie, "Parasite", caught the eyes of many people around the world, including me.

Parasite ended up winning 4 Oscars in total. Though I don't know much about the Oscars, I assumed that 4 Oscars is an outstanding amount, as every single one of my family members and Korean acquaintances were freaking out. I've also moticed divided opinion among Americans, which was quite amusing.  While most of the people on social media simplly congratulated Bong Joon Ho, the director of Parasite, for his succeses, a portion of the people were also complaining how every Oscar apart from the foreign film award were undeserved. One similarity that many of these critiques shared was that they based their opinion without even watching the movie.

I found that hilarious, especially after watching a YouTube video that critiqued the critiques. These people didn't even know how to establish a proper argument and they were postingentire videos on social media that were dedicated to tearing down the events during the Oscars. Then, it suddenly hit me that all of this nonsense was loosely connected to the book that I recently read, "Educated". Not only is education significant in guiding people towards their aspirations, but also in helping people to think logically and not make a fool of themselves in public.


About: Jake Kim



Sue C.
What you said is very true, Jake. Many people are eager to express their opinions, but more often than not, there is no solid evidence that supports their opinions. Also, many, especially under-educated people, are easily misinformed and are not capable of thinking something through on their own. ...Read more What is your opinion of Parasite? Have you seen it yet? If not, you may want to go see it. It has returned to major theaters after it received multiple Oscars. I would be curious to know your thoughts Less
Jake Kim February 21, 2020 2:06 am
I've actually seen the movie twice and the more I think about it, the more I'm surprised about how much thought and work was put into every scene. Initially, I thought my opinion on the movie ...Read more was biased due to my Korean background, but the Oscars kind of confirmed that I wasn't actually biased and that the movie was actually very good. I honestly think it will take a while for another Asian film to become as successful as Parasite, but I'm hoping to see a lot of good ones that will compete with the success of Parasite Less

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