How the corona virus has affected my life

Author: Ayush Gupta | Category: Unkown category | Date: 03-30-2020

Being asked the question of how the coronavirus affected my life makes me immediately jump to the negative aspects of this pandemic, and I think everyone else would do the same. However, even though it may be hard to find the positives out of this situation, there are quite a few beneficial factors. Over this break I have gotten so much more free time that I have been spending effectively. One way I have been spending my time is by sleeping more. Many high schoolers get limited sleep during the normal school year, which is detrimental to his or her learning capabilities. When students come to class tired because of how much homework they recieve, their ability to learn the next day is not at its full potential. Not only does this waste students’ time, but teachers’ as well. The state of quarantine has given students a longer sleep schedule, in which they can come to online school ready to learn. As a requirement to stay active during quarantine, I have also taken this time to explore new passions and hobbies. This past week, I never knew how much fun biking and skateboarding would be, and now those activities are two of my favorite hobbies. Since then, I have consistently been finding a way to implement those activities in my schedule. I have also been exploring my taste in digital art this week. With the help of online resources, I have been making amazing drawings with a simple computer. Now, graphic design is something that I would be interested in pursuing as a job. I have also been given more time to practice guitar: my favorite instrument. Music is such a beautiful way to bring people together, and it is an amazing way to relieve stress. Over the past few weeks, I have been really working hard to improve my guitar skills and I actually hosted a talent show for my family, which was a great way to pass time over the break. It is truly amazing how extra time at home and curiosity can branch out to new passions and possible careers. Online school--something that some people like and others hate-- is actually starting to grow on me. At first it was tricky to navigate, and it definitely took some time getting used to, but after a while I realized the many benefits of online school. First off, it gives dedicated and hard-working students a chance to excel. In colleges, teachers do not care about students that spend their time goofing off, they simply go by the saying, “It’s your life”. Similarly, now teachers can not monitor students who are not paying attention, and they have no way to discipline these students. This gives more class time for good students to learn. Being in a public school--a lot of the time--teachers are disciplining students and this often irritates me because I lose time in learning. Online school is a new way for dedicated students to learn more. Secondly, online school provides students with helpful technology at their fingertips. This can be very useful because there are many online resources that can help people learn. Looking at this situation optimistically, can help people get through this time faster.


About: Ayush Gupta



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