Book Review

This Changes Everything

By: Naomi Klein | Category: Social Science | Year: 2014 ISBN: 9781451697384

This is a seminal book that presents a completely different approach to climate change than your usual “market-based” schemes such as cap and trade and other complex financial mechanisms. Klein criticizes not only the fossil fuel industry and their political abettors, but she also impugns the big “green organizations such as the Environmental Defense Fund, the Conservation Fund, WWF, and others because they have been coopted by the fossil fuel industry.

What Klein proposes is much like what Bernie Sanders proffers when asked about solutions: Both Klein and Sanders are banking on collective actions—grass roots mass movements for change.

Questions to Ponder:

  1. Do you agree with Klein’s approach to climate change?
  2. Is Klein’s approach too unrealistic? If so, what would you propose instead?
  3. Do you agree with Klein’s analysis?
  4. Your thoughts?



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