How I Listen to Music

Author: Sophia Chen | Category: Entertainment | Date: 02-18-2021

Everyone has a different way of listening to music. In Copland's article, he mentions three different planes when listening to music: the sensuous plane, the expressive plane, the sheerly musical plane. 

When I listen to pop music, I may read the lyrics, look for the meaning of the song, or the background of the artist. For me, I would also repeat parts to understand the lyrics better, especially on the first try before I search up the lyrics. Some songs I listen to have lyrics about friendships, global issues, or are just happy cheerful songs. Knowing the meaning can help me better appreciate the song.

I may also look for instrumentals of the song or potentially even covers to better understand the vibe of the song or how others interpret it. Some singers put their own style to it which I find really unique and cool. Stores may also play music to encourage shopping(I’ve read about this once) or create privacy for the shoppers.

Similar to looking at art or studying, there are no right or wrong ways of listening. I hope that through this article, people may be able to pay more attention to how they listen to music.



About: Sophia Chen



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